Mexico, august 9th, 2017. Begining in the last week of june and throughout the month of july, the mexican group experienced the third itinerary of the excercises called “Hacia un mundo mejor/ Towards a better world”, the itinerary of excercises called “Vivir desde dentro/ Live from within”, as well as the workshops: “Metodología prospectiva/ Prospective methodology” and “Equipos de Servicio/ Service Teams”.

Third Itinerary: “Hacia un mundo mejor/Towards a better world”.

This encounter allowed us to recognize ourself as a part and a whole in the universe and, consequently, the great challenge before us: the humanization from ourselves, from what we are in order to “spread it” to others. What sight, what listening, what is the attitude that we need to excercise in order to approach to others and to the several situations that arise in the planet?

We discovered that the universal mercy and fraternity are the great attitudes that we must bring into the scene if we want to re-born and transform this beautiful planet.

Itinerary “Vivir desde dentro/ Live from within”.

In this one week intinerary we had the opportunity to find ourselves, to find ourselves with other people and with the world. But this is an encounter “from within”, that is recognize myself and be grateful for all that I am and have lived up to today. An important condition to begin this journey is to recognize what you are and what you have done until now in your story. One of the must algid moments of the itinerary was “the journey to our inside”.

Workshop: “Metodología prospectiva/ Prospective methodology”.

In words of the attendees: “The workshop has clear and easy topics…”. “it is a systematic proposal, I dicover that it is not just a methodology to work in the pastoral but a way to find myself with my human and spiritual part, I think this approach is very enriching”. “It is not possible to promote a methodology without being involved, without knowing what I am, what I desire, what I want, what are my limits and weaknesses. Therefore it is much clear for me that is a priority to promote and take care the person from within”. “It is a very comprehensive workshop. You delivered the important approach: be centered in the person”.

Workshop: “Equipos de Servicio/ Service Teams”.

In this workshop the attendees were able to see, listen and meditate about the importance to maintain an equilibrium among the three levels or areas that constitute a service team: Relationships, task, Ideal. We could identify that, as a general basis, we work in teams that only excercise one or two of these three areas or levels. That sometimes we collaborate with a team just because, but we don’t know what is our reason to be there. In words of an attendee: “It provided me tools for my personal growth and for a better performance of the service I provide to my parish”.

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