About us


We are an international group made up of lay and religious persons, presbyters and bishops, at the service of a spiritual dynamism and approved by the Holy See, as a “Private Association of Faithful”, who promotes the renewal and transformation of the Church and Society, according to the humanizing project of the Father, that Jesus called the Kingdom-Reign of God.

This service is known as “Movement for a Better World”; “movement” not in the sense of an “institution”, as it would normally be attributed, but rather as a way of “moving”, of generating historical dynamisms of renewal at the personal, social and ecclesial levels. We are only promoters. We endeavor to create, with our service, a renewal dynamism that is later incorporated into society and Church.

This is a spiritual animation service. We understand “spiritual” as the deepest dimension of the human person that transcends the superficial, which constitutes the heart of the human person full with meaning, passion and the wish for self-realization, and does so by being in touch with nature, society and the contemplation of the mystery. From the perspective of Biblical tradition, the challenge of spirituality is to allow ourselves to be guided by the Spirit of Jesus that enlivens and encourages all beings and all things from within.

We are a prophetic group with a mission to proclaim the Kingdom-Reign of God that Jesus proclaimed and we do so by means of the discernment of the Signs of the Times that is carried out as a systematic exercise within the group, with an attitude to search, of entering a dialogue and of praying, which later becomes a lifestyle, and is affirmed and witnessed by the strength of the spoken word.

The promoting group, is inserted in an accelerated history such as the world is today, and is called to promote a transformation, always renewed in its ways and methods, always better than what has already been achieved, and always attentive and aware of what history, and God through history, is questioning, challenging and offering that leads to a constant review and evaluation of the provisionality of persons, activities and instruments, which is one of the characteristics of being constantly “in movement”.

Because we are a service, we are present whenever and wherever this service is needed. What is necessary is what emerges and is manifested as dynamism of the Spirit of the Lord in a renewed church and in a Better World.